January 24, 2006


    So I'm still at the office. Keith Collea, our producer, is running out for the prints of our Gene Generation posters. Thanks to all who e-mailed me about which one they liked, we finally decided on which one. I'm sitting down on the last reel of the film, finalizing the VFX shots I will take with me to Bulgaria. Here's one more concept art taken from an actual still of the film and just painted over it to give me an idea.

    Then, I promised my God-Sister / Sound Designer (on all my films) that I'll watch Underworld: Evolution with her. Perfect, cause it would take about 2 hours to render out the footage anyways. Then, I'll head home and actually PACK, before I head off there. It's kinda scary, because I've never packed before for 1 month! How the hell do you pack for 1 month! There's way too much stuff to carry with you!

    I think I'll just wear plastic bags when I'm there. I mean, I look at these clothes for snow, how I'm going to have to bundle up...and I think...how the hell am I going to take a dump. By the time I take off my clothes, the whole cubicle will be filled with my clothes. Urgh...since we are all bundled up, you think anyone would notice if I taped a coke bottle so I can piss and number 2 anytime I want without undressing a whole fashion parade?

    So, I heard that I have internet connection, but it sucks there. Groan! How the heck am I going to play World of Warcraft!

    And to all Asian Americans...I just watched Old Boy...so quit telling me I really need to see it...it was a great movie...I only cried once when the octopus was eaten alive...I have one in a jar on my fireplace....other than that, the movie was kinda sensual...in an incestual way anyway

Comments (1)

  • ur going to bulgaria!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! crazy.

    btw. oldboy was sooooo disturbingly messed up. haha. im glad u liked it.

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