January 18, 2006


    So the tickets are booked, and I'll be flying to Europe on the 24th of this month to work on the VFX for The Gene Generation. Here's a look at two of the many of concepts we've designed. I cannot show you much because most of it is confidential till the movie released, but trust me, it'll be an 'reel' acid trip.

    So we'll be doing it at World Wide FXwhere they have a nice set up, only second to the talent I've had the pleasure of working with. Efficient and artistic, it's going to be very exciting to be with them for a month and doing nothing but work...oh...and I get to play Warcraft in the hotel. I checked with Blizzard and I can log into the US servers there...whew! What would I do with my free time man! .... or maybe actually get out more? AHHH! REALITY!!! NOO!!

    So with that said, off to the VFX work. Slowly, the film is coming together. It's been a grueling but satisfying production and as the date closes in, I hope to find time to blog. To everybody, I'm not ignoring you, but this is just at the phase where I need to be completely enveloped into the world of The Gene Generation. No space for reality... only lucid nightmares....

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