January 30, 2006


    So today pretty much marks the end of the first day of full fledged production on the Visual FX by WWFX Studio. It's amazing how much you can learn, and I'm finally able to post pictures. I found blogging to be a way of homework. It's like a revision of what you learn and something that you can refer to at the end of the day. Nothing like finishing a day feeling like you accomplished something too.

    There were many different departments working simultaneously today. The first thing I did in the morning was to go through the breakdowns of the Visual FX shots and list. We did it over a Avid System, added markers for fast reference, and also the ability to pull out pictorial reference for quick revision and discussions with the VFX Producer (Scott Coulter) and VFX Supervisor (Simeon Asenov) who are currently the main guys I discuss things with right now. Yes, there are more, but it's my first day, and I'm getting the hang of everybody's names and such.

    In between our sessions, during breaks, I would head over to the Conceptual Design Department with my (new favorite) conceptual designer Ven (I'm saving myself face by not attempting to spell his name). He does the main designs for the city which is later broken down into smaller buildings by the rest of the concept team.

    Once I approve on the drawing. They are sent to the VFX team where close to a hundred people (including people who come in on Night Shifts) start building the city polygon by polygon. I took a breather to watch them work, and this is better than looking at the view of the Grand Canyon...we are creating one! Why watch a city when you can create it! I wonder if this is how God feels....It's funny to see something go from nothing to a gorgeous landscape. And from what I hear...5 MILLION POLYGONS FOR THE CITY!! Argh...I wouldn't have the patience...I need to be jumping back and forth between many things...sometimes such patience is indeed a virtue. Without these guys, I would be making 1/4 films...

    And while the guys at WWFX Studio have all the cool toys. I get my own table, with my wife (I'm gonna divorce her for a new Powerbook though) of 1 year, and our kids (Diet Coke Jr., Diet Coke Sr.) and some porn (World of Warcraft!). That's going to be my family for the next month. And then...there's the server room that makes my mouth dropped...ever heard so many computers humm it's almost like music?

    I suck at photography...thank god it's not my profession of choice...not to mention that's the stupid date stamp that I forgot to set as well :P

Comments (2)

  • Hahah sweeet toys are always fun. Good luck!

  • i realize we dont know each other, but ive been following up on your film and your updates as regular as I can. In short, I guess what I want to say is keep up what you're doing and thank god that there is xanga! Always love the post!

    - Andre

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